BFBC2 Incredible Fighting

Well, what can i say !

This game and my gaming experience just seems to get better and better !

So there i was sitting in a tank minding me own business keeping baddies out of the base when all of a sudden BOOM ! RPG done me up like a kipper ! natural reaction was  to get out quickly and run for my life ! BANG ! DIRTY CRAFTY SNEAKY DISGUSTING ASSWIPE bush wookie takes me out ! “Thats it” i thought to myself, your gonna get it now like a dog on heat ! pop pop pop went my gun and WOLLA, 1 dead sniper ! I HATE SNIPERS !!!!

Then, me ol’e pal buddy chum Dvotee comes online ! HAD TO LAUGH at Dvotee with his new G3 CROC OF SHIT gun ! all i could hear was “Bloody Gun, FFS I SHOT HIM etc etc ” use the m16 like i keep telling you, NOOB

Anyway by this time, he’s killed around 3 people and let off 3000 rounds in the G3 while i calmly run around with my trusty M16 owning people asses. Anyway, while myself and Dvotee are having fun, Tye comes on and joins our group ! OMFG all 3 of us finish always in the top 3. We are gonna be a feared team, i can see it !

Oh btw, if any comments are made about me shouting “ERM GUYS, IVE JUST SANK THE TANK” i wont be very happy LOL ! It wasnt my fault i swear. This pond just showed up around my tank which it sank ! STUPID TANK ! EPIC FAIL

Do NOT get in any tanks or jeeps or Quads with Dvotee and Tye ! they are like animals on some kind of class A substance while drunk as skunks ! LEARN TO DRIVE YOU 2 !!!!

Well, thats all for now and lookin forward to another night of BFBC2 bashing !!!!

Laters all

6 Responses to “BFBC2 Incredible Fighting”

  1. Charming thanks………..yes I am a noob but you don’t have to tell everyone do you!!!!

    G3 is quite good actually, just take’s some getting use to and at least I haven’t sunk a tank yet. I’ve flipped one though hahaha!!!!

    Quite handy you posting, means I dont have to rofl (joke of course – do you really think I would let people take your written word over mine?)

  2. That was a great moment, ‘I just sunk the tank.’ You got to watch out for that water, it’ll get ya.

    I usually try to avoid driving any and all vehicles. I’m pretty good at holding down the gas pedal but not so good at the steering part. Rocks, trees and buildings just need to learn to get out of my way.

    • BAD TREE’S !!!! BAD ROCK’S

      You tell em big fella !

      I will drive from now on, just hold on tight and close your eyes and get ready for the ride of your life !!!!! YYYEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  3. The G3 is actually more powerful than the M16, the problem is that it sprays like a mofo so you’ve got to burst fire it. Prior to the patch that allowed red dot and acog scopes on it I was one of the few people putting vids up who was using it regularly.

    That and the M70 shotgun – BEAST MODE

    • BAH

      G3 SHOCKING !!!!!!!!! only Noobalites use the G3 ! M16 for pro’s

      hehehe just kidding matey potatey

      If Carlsberg could make guns, M16 would probably be the best gun in the world !!!!

      I might start using the G3 and try get used to it

      Watch this space

  4. I actually did very well last night with the G3 and if you look at the vids I’ve done so far, I pull and hold the trigger so using this will actually help me as I’m having to pump the trigger.

    It does kill extremely well but like all weapons, you think you’ve done enough and hit em anough yet when they kill you, they still have 50% health. So once I’ve mastered this its getting my aim better and also trying to shoot from the hip a bit more as I always aim down sight. I’m sure I could get more kills if I can do that.

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